Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fit and You Know It

As far as New Year resolutions go, there are two types of people in this world: Those that make them, and those that don't. I must confess that I fall into the former category and so I've put together some goals, most of them fitness related.

First, let me present:

The Warrior Dash is extremely:
A. Messy
B. Dirty
C. Exhausting
D. Full of Beer
E. All of the Above

It will also be the first obstacle race I've ever done and I'm fully prepared to come out of it bruised, burned and covered in mud- in fact, I would feel cheated out of $90 if I didn't. There's just something so satisfying about feeling utterly exhausted and I'm also a junkie for any test of physical fitness or endurance. That being said, I'm also having a hard time pulling myself away from my computer right now to go hop on the treadmill.

Preview of coming attractions:

As for my other race, I've signed up to the do Rock 'n' Roll Half-Marathon in DC (yes, I'm aware that there is also a *marathon* but we're not quite there yet, alright?). I've powered through 13.1 miles before back in June but since then I've stopped running distance and I've been hovering around 3-4 miles 3-4 times a week.  I feel like it's barely enough to keep me at my current fitness level so it's time to turn up the juice and start prepping for this race. 

Now, motivation is a big factor and a lot of people struggle with finding the right reasons for getting in shape or improving their fitness. Yeah, you'll look better naked. But it has to be more than that. My own motivation comes from knowing I have the strength to do something and knowing that I've pushed myself and earned the accomplishment. You can't cheat when it comes to fitness- it's all about hard work and dedication and your willingness to get your butt off the sofa and into your running shoes no matter what's going on with the weather or with your life.  

So, with that, I leave you with a picture of Demi Moore doing one-handed pushups:


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